Top 1283 Museums in the world - Page 59

Tromsø, Norway

Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum

A collection of art telling history from a Norwegian and northern perspective.

Longyearbyen, Norway

North Pole Expedition Museum

Walk alongside early explorers who journeyed towards reaching the North Pole over the past centuries.

Sørvågen, Norway

Norwegian Fishing Village Museum

A museum devoted to the fishing villages of Norway.

Pasadena, United States of America

Norton Simon Museum

Feast your eyes on some of the most remarkable artworks in both the Western and Asian world.

Lillehammer, Norway

Norwegian Olympic Museum

Home to the history of Norway’s summer and winter Olympic games.

Hamar, Norway

Norwegian Railway Museum (Norsk Jernbanemuseum)

Norway’s national railway museum.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

Be astounded by the 10,000 or so artworks collected by Carl Jacobsen, son of the founder of the world-famous Carlsberg Breweries.

Yokohama, Japan

NYK Hikawa Maru (日本郵船氷川丸)

Sail into an authentic ship experience on the well-preserved, elegant ocean liner.

Munich, Germany

Nymphenburg Palace (Schloss Nymphenburg)

A 17th century Baroque-style palace that is beautifully extravagant inside and out.

Seogwipo, South Korea

O’sulloc Tea Museum (오설록 티뮤지엄)

Tea connoisseurs must not miss out on this enlightening trip to the O’sulloc Tea Museum.

Sydney, Australia

Observatory Hill Park

A popular location for weddings; the views explain why.

Monaco, Monaco

Oceanographic Museum

Enter Neptune’s palace rescued and reconstructed from the Atlantis.

Stuttgart, Germany

Old Castle

An old, stunning piece of architecture telling rich tales of German history from the Stone Age to the present day, through historical and archaeological artefacts.

Berlin, Germany

Old National Gallery (Alte Nationalgalerie)

A gallery with beautiful architecture and incredible treasures.

Melbourne, Australia

Old Melbourne Gaol

A historic Australian gaol that once housed the country’s most infamous criminals.

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