Berlin, Germany
Old National Gallery (Alte Nationalgalerie)

A gallery with beautiful architecture and incredible treasures.

Located in Berlin, lies the magnificent Alte Nationalgalerie. Oh, and she is a beauty indeed. Boasting Corinthian columns that tower above you in majesty, rising out of the ground commanding attention like the ancient Corinth empire itself, the museum’s exterior is truly a sight to behold. Don’t forget to capture photographs of it! Her beautiful facade is indicatory of the marvellous treasures she holds within herself - her collections include Neoclasscal, Romantic, Biedermeier, Impressionist and early modernist artwork. The gallery also houses one of the largest collections of 19th-century sculptures and paintings across Germany. Lovers of art and architecture would be completely mesmerised by all that Alte Nationalgalerie has to offer - so don’t miss out!

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Bodestraße 1-3, 10178 Berlin, Germany