Melbourne, Australia
Old Melbourne Gaol

A historic Australian gaol that once housed the country’s most infamous criminals.

Established in 1839, the Old Melbourne Gaol on Russell Street is a haunting eulogy to some of Australia’s most notorious criminal legends. Between 1842 and 1929, the goal saw a series of 133 hangings, as it held petty offenders, the homeless, and the mentally ill, alongside some of the most notorious criminals. More strikingly, it once housed Australia’s iconic criminal - bushranger Ned Kelly.

Now a museum, it contains unsettling memorabilia - preserving death masks of executed criminals, personal artefacts of the prisoners and even the tools used for torture and execution. Walk through the now silent halls of the gaol and read the evocative stories of prisoners who would have stood where you now stand. Linger at the very place that acted as a bridge between life and death, where 133 souls departed this earth for the Great Unknown. As you traverse all three stories of the gaol, embrace the atmosphere of despair and woe, as it is a poignant memory of humanity's darkest moments.

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Tips Before You Go
Various guided tours are availble for you to choose from. For thrill seekers and daredevils, be sure to join one of the night tours that involve ghost stories. Only available on select days of the week, ensure that you check the website for more details and book beforehand!
377 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia