Top 1283 Museums in the world - Page 26

Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims(国立広島原爆死没者追悼平和祈念館)

A place made to preserve the voices of the atomic bomb victims.

Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum(広島平和記念資料館)

A museum that will leave an indelible mark on you.

Washington, D.C., United States of America

Hirshhorn Museum

An architectural gem filled with the wonders of art.

Sapporo, Japan

Historical Village of Hokkaido (開拓の村)

Step back in time to experience how life was like one century ago in Hokkaido.

Miami, United States of America


Discover the history of Miami.

Madrid, Spain

History Museum of Madrid (Museo de Historia de Madrid)

Understand the history and culture of the third most populous city in the European Union: Madrid.

Da Nang, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh and the Fifth Military Zone Museum

Depicting Vietnam’s struggle for independence since the French colonial rule.

Ha Noi City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh Museum

One of the most resourceful museums in both Hanoi and Vietnam.

Ha Noi City, Vietnam

Hoa Lo (Hanoi Hilton)

The Hanoi Hilton hides a tragic past behind its glamourous nickname.

Hinuera, New Zealand

Hobbiton Movie Set

Dive into Middle-Earth with this tour.

Vienna, Austria


Explore the former imperial palace at the heart of Vienna.

Munich, Germany


An elegant garden sanctuary for one and all.

Los Angeles, United States of America

Hollywood Wax Museum

Get up and close with your favourite Hollywood stars!

Oslo, Norway

Holmenkollen Ski Museum & Tower

Trace back skiing history at this unique museum.

Budapest, Hungary

Holocaust Memorial Center

In honor and memory of the Hungarian Jews killed in The Holocaust.

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