Top 1283 Museums in the world - Page 25

Kobe, Japan

Hakutsuru Sake Brewery Museum (白鶴酒造資料館)

Learn about the production of sake.

Budapest, Hungary

Hall of Art, Budapest (Műcsarnok Kunsthalle)

Greek face, everything else Neoclassical.

Brussels, Belgium

Halle Gate (Porte de Hal)

A piece of medieval Europe in the 21st century.

Los Angeles, United States of America

Hammer Museum

Diversity and inclusion – themes that are ever present here.

Milan, Italy


A former factory turned into an art exhibition.

Kamakura, Japan

Hase-dera Temple (長谷寺)

Be awe-inspired by the massive 11-faced Kannon statue and the five-storied pagoda.

New York City, United States of America

Hayden Planetarium

Breaking down the universe and bringing it to Earth.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Hector Pieterson Museum

A 12-year-old’s tale.

Grindelwald, Switzerland

Heimatmuseum Grindelwald

Delve into the history of world famous Grindelwald village.

Maastricht, Netherlands


A towering fortress gate flanked by round towers and spiral staircases.

Tampa, United States of America

Henry B. Plant Museum

This is your ticket to the Gilded Age and more.

Marrakesh, Morocco

Heritage Museum, Marrakesh

Celebrate the richness of Moroccan culture at the Heritage Museum.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hermitage, Amsterdam

Honoring Russia’s ties with Netherlands.

Helsinki, Finland


I’ve found it, the beauty and excitement of science.

Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima Children’s Museum (広島市こども文化科学館)

A museum boasting a host of fun and educational activities for children, which will be equally entertaining to the adults as well.

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