Johannesburg, South Africa
Hector Pieterson Museum

A 12-year-old’s tale.

Named in honour of 12-year-old Hector Pieterson, who was shot and killed by police during the courageous demonstrations led by Soweto school children in the 1976 riots, the Hector Pieterson Museum documents the chilling and sobering events that led up to the anti-apartheid Soweto uprising.

A peaceful protest turned violent confrontation with the police, hundreds of people died in the wake of the uprisings around the country. The museum presents several of such graphic scenes from the senseless tragedy in a moving collection of oral testimonies, audio-visual displays, and artefacts, that illustrate in vivid detail the background and reasons for the protests, as well as the aftermath. Perfect for history buffs and culture vultures, the museum is a popular attraction to gain insight into the local struggle for freedom during the apartheid state.

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Tips Before You Go
Expect to take about an hour or two to fully tour the museum.
8287 Khumalo Rd, Orlando West, Johannesburg, 1804, South Africa