Top 1283 Museums in the world - Page 67

Stuttgart, Germany

Rosenstein Palace (Historischer Tunnel Rosenstein)

A palace so influential that it resulted in a re-christening.

London, England

Royal Air Force Museum

Giving the RAF the longevity they deserve.

Amman, Jordan

Royal Automobile Museum

Take a peek at King Hussein’s extensive automobile collection.

Warsaw, Poland

Royal Castle, Warsaw

Soak in the opulence of the Royal Castle of Warsaw.

Madrid, Spain

Royal Chapel of St. Anthony of La Florida (Parroquias de San Antonio de la Florida y San Pio X)

Boasting beautifully painted ceilings and dome frescoes, this Chapel is a carefully preserved piece of Spanish culture and history.

Melbourne, Australia

Royal Exhibition Building

The oldest surviving site from the International Exhibition movement definitely deserves its World Heritage Listing.

Brussels, Belgium

Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History

Perils of the past influence security of the present.

Brussels, Belgium

Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

Centuries of fine art consolidated in these museums.

London, England

Royal Observatory

See the location of the prime meridian, the Greenwich Mean Time and more at the Royal Observatory.

Toronto, Canada

Royal Ontario Museum

Canada’s largest and most-visited museum.

Luang Prabang Province, Laos

Royal Palace

1 Complex, 4 buildings and the entire history of Laos laid out before you.

Madrid, Spain

Royal Palace (Palacio Real)

The legitimate residence of the Spanish Royal Family.

Milan, Italy

Royal Palace of Milan

A cultural landmark and exhibition centre in Milan, Italy.

Naples, Italy

Royal Palace of Naples

A museum, palace and historical tourist destination all in one.

Lambayeque, Peru

Royal Tombs of Sipán

Untouched and untarnished, arguably the most treasured riches of the world are here for all to be amazed by.

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