Lambayeque, Peru
Royal Tombs of Sipán

Untouched and untarnished, arguably the most treasured riches of the world are here for all to be amazed by.

Riches belonging to one of history’s greatest archaeological scavenge lie in the tombs of Lord Sipan. During a time where looters, greedy for a quick buck, scavenged the area, in search for anything they could find. From gold artefacts to precious jewels, these were just a few of the myriad of treasures waiting to be uncovered.

Walter Alva, a lucky archaeologist managed to discover the treasured tomb of Lord Sipan! A literal treasure chest, elaborate headdresses, jewellery made of pure gold, silver, some even adorned with precious jewels were found. Alva was ecstatic about this discovery, thankful for the peculiar footless warrior before Lord Sipan, valiantly protecting him till the very end. This bounty was merely the tip of the iceberg! With a little more scavenging, Alva discovered a cache of ceramic Moche pots, belonging to the Moche community. Literally blanketed, Lord Sipan was engulfed by intricate, gilded platelets of copper. Now, just as the Moche believed in the spiritual continuation of Lord Sipan’s life. The splendour of these burial procedures alongside the many elaborate rooms and artefacts continue to showcase to all the grandeur of the Moche people for many more decades on. History buffs are sure to get a high off this rich historical adventure. As Lady Luck bestowed her blessings upon Alva, his discovery of one of the world’s greatest historical finds is definitely a spectacle not to be missed.

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Tips Before You Go
Gain a complete understanding of the Moche and their lifestyles by also visiting the neighbouring Bruning museum!
Juan Pablo Vizcardo Y Guzman 895, Lambayeque, Peru