Hangzhou, China
Zhejiang Provincial Museum

Steeped in the rich culture and tradition of Hangzhou is one of the largest human and scientific museums in China: the Zhejiang Provincial Museum.

Black pagoda roofs and simple cinder blocks belie the centuries of history hidden within the Zhejiang Provincial Museum. The museum consists of 6 main divisions, each with a different theme and specialty. Start your journey 18,000 years ago at the Wulin Branch, ironically the latest addition to the museum with steel and glass bent to resemble a pagoda roof. It contains treasures from the Hemudu Culture which originated in Zhejiang province and harkens back to as far as 5500 BC.

As you pick your way over winding streams and carefully sculpted stonework in the gardens, you will find yourself at Wenlan Pavilion, once home to the largest collection of books in China. In close proximity is the unassuming Gushan Gallery where the intricate craftsmanship of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and Ming Dynasty is preserved in the etchings of the celadon wares and bronzes. Take a guided tour through the West Lake Gallery where you will be fast-forwarded through the evolution of art in China. Do remember to place a reservation ahead of time though to avoid disappointment. With close to 20,000 years of history seeped into the relics, the Provincial Museum is sure to draw you back to your cultural roots.

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Tips Before You Go
While the various galleries may all fall under the broad label of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum, certain areas such as the West Lake Gallery require an additional fee payment for entry. That said the West Lake Gallery is arguably the most remarkable in what it has to offer. Additionally, most museum sites are closed on Mondays so do plan your trip accordingly.
Zhejiang, China