Miami, United States of America
Wynwood Walls

Snap a few quirky photographs at the eccentric Wynwood Walls.

If you through the rest of Wynwood was lively, then you’ll be stunned by the explosion of colour at Wynwood Walls. The brainchild of the famous community revitaliser Tony Goldman, the walls are a celebration of street art, an art form that previously had never gotten the recognition it deserved. Turns out depressing windowless warehouse walls are a perfect canvas for larger-than-life and sometimes psychedelic masterpieces of street art, turning the dull block of buildings into a magnificent outdoor museum.

If you’re looking for a perfect selfie background, this is where you’ll find it. With everything from perfectly painted patterns that look 3D to a huge rainbow-coloured Yoda and a strangely cute Hulk-Boy, you won’t have a lack of picturesque and quirky shots to show off back home.

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Tips Before You Go
Do try and visit during Art Basel Miami Beach, a global art fair that draws in artists and art lovers from all over the world.
Wynwood, Miami, FL, USA