Rotterdam, Netherlands
Windmills at Kinderdijk

In a battle between Nature and human race, a compromise was born and the rest is history.

Arguably one of the most popular and best known Dutch sites in the world, the windmills at Kinderdijk represent a national monument and was even awarded the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. A magnificent feat for what seems like a simple place to the eyes doesn't it?

These 19 imposing windmills were built in the village of Kinderdijk in the mid 18th-century as an ingenious way to counter the problems faced by the Alblasserwaard polder. Holland’s lands are mostly low-lying and as such are susceptible to flooding from nearby water bodies. In order to counter this problem, locals built windmills to make use of the heavy winds in the area to generate electricity, which subsequently aid in pumping excess water out of the polder, thereby keeping the land dry and free of water.

Of course, these 19 windmills are a treat to the eyes and also add to the tranquility and aesthetic of the already panoramic village landscape. Its rustic charm and gradually moving blades put visitors in a trance and it is no wonder that scores of visitors come to Kinderdijk every year to just gaze at their beauty. A unique blend of aesthetics and functionality, these 19 monumental windmills have played an integral part in shaping the Kinderdijk and the Alblasserwaard’s history, and is a place worth the experience.

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Tips Before You Go
Windmills at Kinderdijk are easily accessible by public transport. If you love sports, then you might want to cycle from Rotterdam instead – the scenery along the way is worth the extra effort. Remember to pack your camera too! Do also visit the Kinderdijk Molens, a museum where you can learn all about the mechanisms of this genius invention.
Nederwaard 1, 2961 AS Kinderdijk, Netherlands