Malang, Indonesia
Widow’s Waterfall (Coban Rondo)

Beauty steeped in legend: this is the Coban Rondo Waterfall.

Like most natural locations, the Coban Rondo Waterfall, which is also known as the Widow’s Waterfall, has a fascinating legend of its own. The legend tells of Dewi Anjarwati, a beautiful woman who was married to Baron Radin Kusuma. On one day that the couple was traveling, they met a young man named Joko Lelono, who was smitten by Anjarwati’s beauty and wished to have her for himself. To protect his wife, Baron Raden his her at the waterfall and fought to the death with Joko. To this day, Anjarwati sits by the waterfall, awaiting the return of her beloved.

As you head to Coban Rondo, the heavy crash of the majestic falls is the first thing you will hear, even before you see the waterfall. The stunning sight will captivate you, and you can sit on the rocks and imagine Anjarwati’s heartrending pain in the time that passed. With nature all about you, it might be hard to resist the pull of the water. Take a quick dip in the pool under the waterfall, and gaze up at the greenery that surrounds the waterfall. This simply is a sight that you can’t pass up on while in Malang.

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Tips Before You Go
The waterfall is about a 30 to 50-minute drive from the west of Malang, and you might have to ask locals for directions. Do note that there is an entrance fee to get to the waterfall.
Jl. Coban Rondo, Pandesari, Pujon, Malang, Jawa Timur 65391, Indonesia