Shangri-La, China
White-Water Terraces (Baishuitai)

Snow isn’t the only thing that’s startlingly white in this landscape, these pure white steps stand out amazingly against the mountainside.

Shangri-la has been likened to the Garden of Eden itself, a mystical place of unreal beauty that cannot possibly exist on our planet. Nestled deep within this haven are the White Water Terraces, a natural phenomenon which seems impossible, but is simply a feat of chemistry. Created from the progressive deposition of calcium carbonate for over 200,000 years old, it has become hundreds of bright, white, variegated terraced steps covering 3 square kilometers, in which little pools of aquamarine water has collected. When the flow is heavier, the water overflows to form a multitude of mini waterfalls cascading in thousands of little rivulets over the edges of the steps. Picture the rice paddies of Vietnam or Bali but white and covered in an overpour of glittering river water. The mountains rise up behind it, festooned with vibrant green in spring and summer, which gradually turn to the burnt hues of autumn and the blanket of white in winter.

In fact, the scenery is so stunning that it stopped the first saint of the Dong Ba religion in his tracks on his journey from Tibet, and proceeding to set up his missionary in this Holy Land. Learn more about the Na Xi minority who follow their teachings, and to whom this area is the birthplace of their culture. To them, it symbolizes a blooming flower, and the white represents auspiciousness and sanctity. It is not only a must see to be a true Dong Ba believer, it is a must see for everyone who appreciates the wonders of the natural world.

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Tips Before You Go
Hidden under the left of the terraces is a stone arcade that is shaped like a pregnant woman, a symbol of the goddess of fertility to the people. Every year on the eighth day of the second lunar month, the locals spend the entire night singing and dancing in celebration of this sacred spot.
Kangding Rd, Xianggelila Shi, Diqing Zangzuzizhizhou, Yunnan Sheng, China, 674400