Lijiang, China
White Water River

The Yin of the Ying Yang black and white rivers, it is a vital part of Yunnan landscape and culture.

The sun emerges from behind the clouds and shines its warm rays onto the very top of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. The snow and glaciers begin to turn to water and trickle down the slopes, growing more and more to eventually form streams and then rivers which gush over this man made terrace into a multi-tiered waterfall that radiates energy and grace. The riverbed is formed from fragments of limestone and marble, and the crystal clear water means that this turns the entire river into a white ribbon that flows through the valley.

Because of its ancient origins of the snow on the mountain top, the river holds a deeper meaning of significance to the local people of Na Xi. In the Dong Ba scripture describes everything in terms of black and white, Yin and Yang. When these are in equal proportions, the world is in harmony and peace. The white water river flows to join the black water river, meaning that to travel along this river is to move unobstructed, with good fortune and safety. So cast aside your worries and traverse this mini version of the Pamukale in Turkey, where you can revel in the mysterious lakes, waterfalls and caves with the great mountain in the background.

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Tips Before You Go
Many travelers consider it a smaller version of Pamukale in Turkey. If you visit it in the off-peak season, you can enjoy the delightful serenity and get great shots of the waterfall terraces with the majestic snow mountain as the backdrop, without tourist crowds. Seen from a distance, the valley resembles a bright blue moon in the shadow of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, hence the name. For quieter visit, go in January to catch undisturbed shots of the scenery, or for the best views with flowering plants and mild weather, June to September is best.
Qixing St, Gucheng Qu, Lijiang Shi, Yunnan Sheng, China, 674100