Rancho Palos Verdes, United States of America
Wayfarers Chapel

This church that looks like something from a dream.

As the saying goes, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Although, who would want to throw stones at the Wayfarers Chapel? Famous for its ceiling that is made entirely of glass panels with wooden supporting beams, this unique chapel has earned itself the nickname of the ‘Glass Church.’ Indeed, it looks like something out of a fairy tale, bringing to mind delicate glass slippers and magical endings. There’s no surprise that many couples in Northern California choose this gorgeous location for their weddings. But it’s more than just a simple glass roof. Its architect Lloyd Wright wanted to ‘achieve a delicate enclosure that allows the surrounding landscape to define the sacred space.’ In other words, he imagined a geometric structure that would reflect and incorporate the natural landscape into the design of the chapel itself. On sunny days, you feel surrounded by nature, and uplifted by the play of sunlight on the roof. Yet you’ll never feel overly hot, as the chapel is shaded from the height of the daytime glare by California’s majestic redwoods, which offer shelter to any weary wanderer desiring to escape to the sanctuary of the chapel. If you count yourself as one, there’s no doubt that a journey here will refresh your mind.

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Tips Before You Go
Because of the church’s immense popularity as a wedding venue, it’s a good idea to call the Visitor’s Centre a few days prior to your visit to find out when it is open to the public. Do take a moment to marvel at the Lord’s Prayer carved onto the steps inside the chapel.
5755 Palos Verdes Dr S, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275, USA