Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
War Remnants Museum

A closer look into the tragedies of war.

With shockingly candid accounts of war atrocities committed by American soldiers, the War Remnants Museum makes for a sobering visit that forces its guests to confront the horrifying realities and consequences of war.

The museum contains various war artefacts, such as bombs weighing thousands of kilograms, experimental weapons and fighter jets. Most appalling are the guillotine and brutal “tiger cages”, used during French rule to punish political dissenters. The haunting effects of U.S. military tactics are brought to light in the museum, with photographs showing victims of napalm and phosphorus bombing, as well as the devastating effects of Agent Orange which continue to plague the Vietnamese people to this day.

Although the museum doesn’t exactly make for a fun and enjoyable experience, it provides valuable lessons from history, and is an important testament to the horrors of war for anyone visiting the museum.

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Tips Before You Go
Due to the disturbing images on display in the museum, children, though technically allowed to, are highly discouraged from entering the museum.
28 Võ Văn Tần, Phường 6, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh 700000, Vietnam