Ha Noi City, Vietnam
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

A museum dedicated to preserving the diverse way of life of Vietnam’s many ethnic groups.

Hailed as the best museum in Vietnam, the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology provides insight into the country’s multicultural, multi-ethnic population, preserving the traditions and cultures of its diverse ethnic groups. 54 unique tribes call Vietnam their home, and the museum showcases each tribe’s cultural artefacts so that visitors can understand their way of life. The museum hopes, through its efforts in showcasing these artefacts, to promote socio-cultural diversity within Vietnam.

The museum houses items from every tribe, such as objects used in weddings and funerals, costumes and handmade items, while dioramas help the museum come to life. A sprawling garden outside the museum displays each minority group’s typical house, including the iconic stilt house, each set in its own authentic environment. You can even enter some of the houses to see what it’s like inside and get a feel of how locals carry out their daily activities. Indeed, the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology is a significant avenue through which locals and tourists alike can get a glimpse of Vietnam’s diverse cultural heritage.

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Tips Before You Go
Don’t worry about not understanding what you’re looking at – there are explanatory cards in both English and French in the museum. You can also hire a guide to take you through the museum for a small fee.
Nguyễn Văn Huyên, Quan Hoa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Vietnam