Delft, Netherlands
Vermeer Centrum

Enter the world of the Master of Light.

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Does the name “Johannes Vermeer” sound familiar? If not, the “Girl with the Pearl Earring” is sure to bring up an image of a girl with a headscarf and an eye-catching pearl earring. This renowned oil painting was, in fact, one of Vermeer’s 37 works. At the Vermeer Centrum in Delft, you have the chance to step into Vermeer’s 17th-century world and understand his inspirations and the techniques behind his paintings.

Vermeer mastered a technique of reproducing light on canvas, which was far more advanced than other artists in his day, giving rise to his title of “the Master of Light”. As you enter, be sure to watch a short video on Vermeer’s life, and his world at the time, before heading to the exhibit. Art lovers will be delighted to explore the camera obscura that he used to study the effects of light. Follow the full-size reproductions of Vermeer’s original paintings in chronological order and then make your way to the second floor. Fancy being a model for his next famed painting? While the artist is not present to capture the scene with his paintbrushes, have your picture taken in one of the replicas of his paintings!

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Tips Before You Go
The Vermeer Centrum offers free English guided tours every Sunday. Book in advance for a guaranteed spot.
Voldersgracht 21, 2611 EV Delft, Netherlands