Chania, Greece
Venetian Lighthouse

400 years of history lie etched into the stone and mortar assembled at the edge of the Venetian Harbor of Crete.

With an octagonal base reflective of the old Venetian architecture and a distinctively Egyptian minaret tower, the Venetian Lighthouse is a recollection of the conquests of Crete. The turbulent waves close to the harbor crash and ebb against the rocky shore, leaving the taste of salt hanging in the air. This proximity to the thunderous waves makes the lighthouse inaccessible particularly during winter.

At all other times of the year though, visitors are encouraged to walk to the edge of the mole to be treated to the view of an endless blue slate ringed by the swooping of gulls in the spotless sky. Timing your trip at dusk would leave you with the spectacular view of the lighthouse silhouetted against a purpling sky bled through with pale pink. As the last few traces of light leave the night sky, the lighthouse comes to live, glowing in the warm yellow lights ringing its stone walls. While the interior of the 21 meter tall tower itself is closed to the public, the Venetian Lighthouse remains a living reminder of the civilizations that have come and gone by the shores of Greece till today.

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Tips Before You Go
The lighthouse is in fact the second largest Egyptian lighthouse in Crete but nothing short of amazing. A tip would be to visit in October during the off-peak season. The harbor is rather charming but at times spoilt by the loud, incessant hawking by restaurant owners lined along the harbor’s edge. Business is stiff and often there aren’t enough clueless tourists to go around keeping businesses afloat.
Chania 731 32, Greece