Moscow, Russia
VDNKh (Vystavka Dostizheniy Narodnogo Khozyaystva)

The grandest park in Moscow.

Established in 1935, VDNKh is the largest recreational park for all who love history and want a taste of the rich culture Moscow has to offer! Get lost in the towering structures of historic buildings, gold and glistening fountains, statues and lush pavilions, which will transport you back to the olden Soviet times. As if the enchanting surroundings are not enough, over 100 colorful and traditional festivals are held at the park each year. Family-friendly interactive exhibitions and craft workshops are also available for the young ones to enjoy. There is truly nothing more breathtaking than the vibrant history and culture this grand park of Moscow holds in store.

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Prospekt Mira, 119, Moskva, Russia, 129223