Vatnajökull National Park

The mammoth national park of Vatnajökull is home to the largest glacier in Europe as well as a plethora of geological wonders.

To say that Vatnajökull is just mind-blowing would be a gross understatement. It is absolutely mind-bending instead. To comprehend its sheer size, let us give you some numbers. This national park is the result of joining two already enormous parks; Jokulsargljufur and Skaftafell. Together, they make up 13,600 square kilometres of the country’s total land area. That’s almost as big as the entirety of Puerto Rico. If this doesn’t amaze you enough, think about this: Vatnajökull National Park is mostly occupied by Vatnajökull glacier, Europe’s largest glacier. And its size? 8,100 square kilometres! That’s waaayyy bigger than our little red dot! In fact, the park is so huge it has its own ecosystem, with it being akin to a large zoo if nothing else. Brimming with tall mountains, glacial rivers and canyons, Vatnajökull is an absolute behemoth! No visit to Iceland is complete without dropping by over here.

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Tips Before You Go
Exercise as much as you can before embarking on this journey. There’s a hell lot of walking and hiking awaiting you. Try to wear comfortable shoes as well, as that will make your journey so much more enjoyable. Bring along plenty of water too, and wear breathable clothing if you’re visiting in the summer as that will allow your sweat to evaporate faster. If you’re visiting in the winter, don’t forget to layer up!
Vatnajökull National Park, Klapparstígur 25-27, Iceland