Amalfi, Italy
Valle delle Ferriere

Protecting endemic species of Europe, the waterfall here is the protector of species belonging to times as far back as the Ice Age.

Shielded by cold northern winds, the waterfall of Valle delle Ferriere is unforgettable. Start on your journey from Amalfi, embarking on a 3-hour-long hike. No less amazing than the waterfall, the greenery that surrounds you on your hike are stunning on their own. Lemon trees are sure to catch your eye as the scent of lemon wafts through the forest first, catching your attention.

Along your journey, you will be joined by the ruins of the old paper factories, producing the famous handmade paper from Amalfi. As you make your way there, you will be joined by the unique microclimate of Valle delle Ferriere, hosting species of fern, orchids and even a carnivorous plant. If you’re lucky, you might even be joined by the spectacled salamander! The hot-humid Southern winds and high rainfall allow for these unique species to thrive happily, calling the waterfall their home. With every high, there must be a low, and this very one includes a rather strenuous element. After taking in the views of the spectacular waterfall and the rare species, you must now make your way back down. While the journey back down is tiring, you will no doubt be satisfied by what you have just seen.

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Tips Before You Go
For those entering the reserve, approval from qualified personnel is required, keeping the landscape unspoiled.
Be well-equipped with plenty of water, wearing long trousers to protect yourself.
84010 Scala, Province of Salerno, Italy