Vai, Greece
Vai Beach

Vai beach: Where the scaled trunks of a hundred palms reach forward, their fronds forming a layered curtain that hides away the sea, shore and picture perfect views.

Vai Beach is exactly as its name suggests, a forest of palms, with thousands of palms (5000 to be exact) dotting the shoreline and extending several meters back from the ocean. Seen from above, the heavily layered fronds interlock to resemble a thick mat sheltering the ground beneath. Vai beach is found on the eastern coast of Crete and is touted to be the most famous beach of eastern Crete given its extensive shoreline and friendly waters. Its palm grove holds the title of being the largest in Europe, dating back 2000 years.

While at the beach, you can take a quick swim around the rock outcroppings cutting through the pristine waters or earn that sun-kissed glow from under the shade of the thatched shelters. Towards the north of the shoreline are jutting islets and quieter stretches. Beneath the light of the setting sun, the olive tinted fronds are set ablaze and frame the sandy shores, making for the perfect postcard scenery. With these views and more to offer, Vai Beach is a sure stop within Crete.

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Tips Before You Go
Peak periods for Vai beach last from July to August (especially August). If you can, it would be best to aim for a trip between May and October which is a rather wide window to work around. Though the palm fronds seem like the perfect cover, visitors are also reminded that the beach is off limits to campers.
Epar.Od. Monis Toplous - Vai, Toplou 723 00, Greece