Uppsala, Sweden
Uppland County Museum (Upplandsmuseet)

Learn more about the up’s and down’s of Uppsala’s history.

Put on your thinking cap when visiting the Uppland Country Museum, or Upplandsmuseet in Uppsala, Sweden. Depicting the history of this glorious city that dates back to more than 5000 years ago, you will be taken on a trip through time at this museum.

Nonetheless, it is highly recommended to NOT be a passive observer here – the museum has specially designed and organized its exhibits to engage your mind with regard to how the city’s past has impacted it in the present day, and how these topics will influence its future. Not only does the museum focus on the city itself, but it also sheds light on Uppsala’s relationship with other parts of the world as well.

For a thoroughly immersive experience, there is an open air museum which mimics what life was like in the 19th century, allowing you step in the shoes of a person living in rural Uppsala at that time. Of course, many of the exhibits include artefacts such as paintings, handicrafts and other accessories that were used by Uppland folks. Since it is not everyday you’ll probably visit Uppsala and its surrounding region, why not pop by this wonderful museum to simply learn more about it?

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Tips Before You Go
Avoid visiting on Mondays as the museum is closed. The open air museum is open to the public from June – August. Of course, if you are travelling with kids, do not fret, as the museum has a specially-catered children’s environment where they too can learn more about Uppland in a fun and interactive way.
S:t Eriks torg 10, 753 10 Uppsala, Sweden