Naples, Italy
Underground Naples

Time has temporarily stopped as you venture back to hear about the history of Italy, right under the streets where people continue to roam at present day.

Ruthven / Wikimedia Commons

Absolutely possible to get lost as you venture into the beginnings of Naples, Napoli Sotterranea or Underground Naples dares all, as they get lost and discover all there is Naples. The labyrinth beneath reveals ruins that tell a tale of Naples over 2000 years ago. Sewer tunnels, aqueducts, rainwater cisterns and of course catacombs, they all reveal titbits of how Naples used to be like.

40 metres down, you get to explore the remains of the theatre where the last Roman Emperor - Nero passionately performed, alongside his private dressing room. You can even find the air raid shelter, used during the second world war! Featuring the many weapons used then, there are even wartime vehicles here. With centuries old rainwater cisterns and catacombs, these obsolete systems remind all of the times where technology never existed, resulting in how humankind grew and learnt to adapt to their times and their needs. Showcasing the rich history of Naples and the evolution they went through as time passed, this trip is truly an eye opener of gorgeous Naples.

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Tips Before You Go
While the pathways are lit by lights and candles provided, do bring along a torchlight as some pathways still remain very dark.
Vico S. Anna di Palazzo, 52, 80132 Napoli NA, Italy