Amalfi, Italy
Torre dello Ziro

A historic watchtower, embark on the trail with the same name and reach where it continues to tower over Amalfi.

A good 500 step workout awaits you as you embark on the Torre dello Ziro trail, onward to the watch tower with splendid views. Not for the faint-hearted, this trail is sure to be taxing for all.

Making your way mostly downhill, this trail is tough on the knees for even the fittest person. Upon finishing your descend, you will be greeted by the ruins of the watch tower, one that played host to absolutely horrific events. From housing the imprisonment of two infants who were eventually murdered. The tower has definitely seen its fair share of tragedies. In spite of the horrific events, the tower truly hosts some of the best views in Amalfi. Overlooking the spectacular beaches of Amalfi, the turquoise waters are accompanied by azure skies, vibrant coloured buildings that stand out starkly against the waters. Spectacular views accompany you whilst on the trail, as well as upon reaching the tower, you are free to stop and rest at any point, taking in the views at the different vantage points. Great to visit during December, the weather is perfect, cool and forgiving for everyone to spend a nice afternoon at.

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Tips Before You Go
A tiring trail, do take your time and bring lots of water and refreshments to keep you going.
Via Quisisana, 84010 Castellammare di Stabia NA, Italy