Miami, United States of America
Torch of Friendship

An absolutely apt symbol of friendship, vital in this time and age.

Built in 1962, this monument is situated in Bayfront Park in Miami. This symbolic gas fed flame invites all who visit, marking a sign of friendship and warm welcome. The gas fed torch is perched on an 18-foot pedestal, surrounded by a curved wall that reads “The Torch of Friendship”.

Initially dedicated to the celebration of immigration between Florida, Latin America and the Caribbean, it truly marked the start of a more welcoming attitude towards all immigrants and tourists who arrived in Miami. However, upon the tragic assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy, the monument was re-dedicated to him, honouring his death. Whilst that may sound like enough drama surrounding this monument, there’s more to it! A flame that never stopped burning since its reveal, it was reported that the flame fizzled out recently. Little attention was paid to this shocking event, leaving many conspiracy theories to arise. The one thing that is true though, is that the flame has yet again be reignited, reigniting the spirit of friendship and amicable relations between all. Visiting this monument is sure to invigorate and encourage you to build and carry this spirit with you, wherever you go.

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401 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132, USA