Berlin, Germany
Topography of Terrors (Topographie des Terrors)

The scars of a nation reflected off this monument and center of remembrance.

The site wasn’t always known by the eerie name of “The Topography of Terror” It went by subtler titles of Command Centre and Headquarters of the Gestapo, SS and Reich Security: names that still manage to send spikes of fear through our nerves. At the height of the Nazi regime, many more than the 15000 recorded political dissenters were interrogated and tortured, screams echoing as they were carted off to prisons or concentration camps.

This symbol of terror was first converted to a temporary exhibition in the 1970s before growing into a permanent memorial built of steel mesh, photographs and statements to recollect past tragedies. 15 information sites bring visitors through the crimes that were organized behind closed doors and the mass genocide that was orchestrated from that very location. You can even walk along the longest standing section of the Berlin Wall at the basement, left exactly as it was all those decades ago. Put together, the Topography of Terror reconstructs the grievous errors of our past in an attempt to prevent a repeat from ever taking place.

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Tips Before You Go
Of the two permanent exhibits set up at the memorial site, the trenches excavated along Niederkirchnerstraße are only kept open from spring to autumn. While the exhibits in the main building look at the influence of the Nazis throughout Germany, these exhibits delve into the story of Berlin as the capital of the Third Reich: as part of the Weimar Republic, under Nazi rule and the repercussions of this history on the city.
Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin, Germany