Orlando, United States of America
Tibet-Butler Preserve

Come explore this magical bastion of nature.

Florida Hikes / https://www.flickr.com/photos/floridahikes/
Florida Hikes / https://www.flickr.com/photos/floridahikes/

In spite of its name, the Tibet-Butler Preserve isn’t actually in Tibet. But there’s no need to feel let down just yet, because the actual site is incredibly beautiful nonetheless. A country park nestled on the shores of Lake Butler, this preserve doesn’t feel like your typical well-groomed park as much as an outgrowth of wilderness to the west of densely urban Orlando. It boasts numerous interlacing hiking trails that wind their way through an intricately linked ecosystem of forest trees and wildlife. You’ll find most of the major ecosystems in the region here, from the bayhead swamp to the wide expanse of lake lined with cypress trees, to the longleaf pine forest and its dense underbrush.

Best of all, the entire area is meant to be a giant learning experience. Upon entering the park, you won’t have to walk for long before you find the nature center, where you can learn more about the flora and fauna you are about to encounter. The trails themselves feature various ‘learning stations’ that offer information about the plants or animals. Your senses will be opened to an entirely new world when you enter this preserve.

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Tips Before You Go
If you have young children, they would probably appreciate a visit to the butterfly garden. Also keep an eye out for alligators, armadillos, foxes, ospreys and other similarly fascinating creatures.
Tibet-Butler Nature Preserve, 8777 Winter Garden Vineland Rd, Orlando, FL 32836, USA