Sydney, Australia
Three Sisters

The remarkable rock formation of the Blue Mountains.

The most iconic landmark in the Blue Mountains is this unusual rock formation called the Three Sisters, which stands at a height of 922 m, 918 m and 906 m respectively. According to an Aboriginal legend, they represent three sisters belonging to the Katoomba tribe who were turned into stone by tribal elders after they fell in love with brothers belonging to another tribe. Such a matrimony was forbidden in tribal laws and hence, their tragic ending. An extremely popular tourist attraction, it attracts millions of visitors per year and the beauty of the Three Sisters is that it can be viewed at different seasons of the year or varying timings of the day, yet would still be as uniquely stunning in its own way.

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Tips Before You Go
Visiting the Three Sisters during winter is the best, as it is sunnier and the temperature is a lot more bearable for a hiking trip. Do set aside between 20 minutes to an hour on your itinerary to allow yourself sufficient time to cover all aspects of the Three Sisters.
23-31 Echo Point Rd, Katoomba NSW 2780, Australia