Orlando, United States of America
Thornton Park

Everybody’s favorite kind of neighborhood.

Don’t be misled; this isn’t just your regular suburban neighborhood. Thornton Park is a trendy, bustling district in downtown Orlando, as welcoming to the first-time visitor as it is to the longtime resident. It manages to host a sheer explosion of varied entertainment while maintaining its homely feel. Here you’ll find every kind of luxurious house imaginable, from elegant Craftsman-reminiscent bungalows to ultra-modern luxury condominiums. Interspersed among the houses are upscale restaurants and bars that have an intriguing feel. It’s the kind of place that you just know has plenty of good food.

However, if you really want to get to know Thornton Park, you have to visit after dark, when the whole district really comes alive. The dining areas host a never-ending stream of activities such as After Dark events, Open Mic nights, and many more. Not to mention, it’s always happy hour somewhere. This vibrant nightlife has earned it the rightful moniker of ‘Downtown for Grownups’, and it definitely guarantees you a night you’ll never forget.

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Tips Before You Go
If you’re looking for something to do in the day, check out the Orlando Farmer’s Market or the various community-driven events that are listed on their website. Alternatively, take a short stroll to the nearby Lake Eola Park.
Thornton Park, Orlando, FL 32801, USA