Tromsø, Norway
The Polar Museum

Man vs. Wild (North Pole edition).

The Artic is one of the most unforgiving, uninhabitable continuous areas of wilderness in the world. Yet, polar seafaring has been a longstanding tradition since the 1830s, and Tromsø, otherwise known as the “Gateway to the North” has served as an important base for these polar expeditions for decades.

The Polar Museum in Tromsø documents the riveting expeditions by courageous trappers (both men and women!) and Artic explorers who have braved the hazardous journey to the North and lived to tell the tale, and showcases the ships and vital equipment that were essential for life in the Artic. Highlights include exhibitions about the trapper Henry Rudi, who killed 713 polar bears, and that depicting the lives and expeditions of polar heroes Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen. Chockful with interesting titbits of historical and cultural information about life in the Arctic, the Polar Museum is definitely worth a visit for history buffs and museum lovers when in Tromsø.

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Tips Before You Go
Visitors are recommended to set aside 1 to 2 hours for the museum, as the museum is small but informative.
All exhibits are displayed in Norwegian, but visitors can obtain museum booklets in other languages from the information desk at the museum.
Søndre Tollbodgate 11B, 9008 Tromsø, Norway