Los Angeles, United States of America
The Museum of Contemporary Art

The best contemporary art the city can offer.

Its name may seem self-revelatory, but the Musuem of Contemporary Art, affectionately known as MOCA for short, is anything but boring. The museum is housed in multiple locations over Los Angeles, but its most attention-grabbing facility is an old-school brick façade that somehow manages to convey the impression of modernity. Something about the way its curved extension protrudes from the front building defies both explanation and convention. Indeed, the same can be said about the rest of its exhibits, which have been characterized by their multi-disciplinary approach to artwork.

Since its inception in 1979, the museum has managed to pull in an impressive collection of permanent and rotational pieces that are the envy of many in the modern art world. Famous artists such as Paul McCarthy and Ed Moses have made gifts of their work to the Museum, while impressive collections from the likes of Scott Spiegel have found their way onto the hanging walls. From immense stainless steel sculptures to an artist’s recent exhibition of fantasy-like caves, the Museum of Contemporary Art is an immersive experience that will absolutely enthrall your imagination.

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Tips Before You Go
The museum is a lot smaller than other famous locations you may find, but it’s also a lot less crowded. You can spend around 2 hours here, and combine it with a trip to other nearby attractions such as the Walt Disney Concert Hall.
250 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA