Dublin, Ireland
The Little Museum of Dublin

What better way to learn about the history of Dublin than through the tales of the people who built it?

When the founders of The Little Museum of Dublin first made an open call for the public donation of valued personal possessions of significance, collecting over 5000 artifacts was not even dreamed of let alone aimed for. Yet that’s precisely the size of the museum’s current collection built entirely from scratch through the charity of Dublin’s proud inhabitants. From family photographs to historical treaties that were involved in the outbreak of the Irish Civil War, the museum curates Dublin as seen through her flesh and blood. The exhibits within the museum are fashioned after the different rooms of a traditional house, complete with the necessary upholstery and mood lighting to capture the homely feel of the museum.

Each carefully positioned photo frame and mantelpiece is geared towards honoring the past and the origins of Dublin. It presents to visitors the true flavors of the capital sans the far reaching influences of commercialized and mass marketed products. Music is integral to the Irish spirit and an entire floor is in fact dedicated to the rise of Irish Rock through bands such as U2. With the changing seasons comes seasonal tours run concurrently with the hourly routes that are run by approachable staff that are eager to spread the Dublin spirit to all who land on its soil. Sometimes little can mean large and in the case of the Little Museum of Dublin, Little speaks volumes of the friendly and generous culture of the people of Dublin.

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Tips Before You Go
An increasingly famous program currently being run by the museum is termed ‘City of a Thousand Welcomes’. The program is fairly simple where the museum pairs you, Dublin’s guest, with a volunteering local. Your allocated guide will then take you on a stroll around the city or a meal to learn more directly from the horse’s mouth regarding the local specialties and how best to enjoy the city. One click and a few entries through the museum’s official website is all it takes to secure yourself a local partner in crime to help you on your way.
15 St Stephen\'s Green, Dublin, Ireland