Sa Pa, Vietnam
Thac Bac Waterfall (Silver Falls)

The waterfall with a silver lining.

Located about 30-minutes away from Sapa town by vehicle, Thac Bac Waterfall (Silver Falls) is ideal for a jaunt out of the city in exploration of the surrounding scenic landscape. From afar, the white water cascading down the side of Hoang Lien Mountain looks akin to silver, giving rise to its colloquial name of Silver Falls by locals in the region.

For beautiful views of the surrounding natural landscape, visitors can climb up to a look-out point at an altitude of 30-metres in height. From the viewing platform, the falls come so close visitors can enjoy the cooling sensation of white water spray, perfect on a hot summer’s day. Visitors should combine a visit to the Silver Falls with a hike up towards Heaven’s Gate, located 2-kilometres away at the highest mountain pass in Vietnam – Tram Ton Pass. At Heaven’s Gate, visitors can enjoy stunning panoramic views of the majestic Silver Falls from a distance, and of the neighbouring spectacular mountain ranges and valley.

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Tips Before You Go
The best time to visit Silver Falls would be during the rainy season in Vietnam, from the months of May to September.
Visitors are recommended to wear comfortable hiking shoes and stock up on water before embarking on their journey to Silver Falls.
Silver Falls is situated close to other major attractions such as Love Waterfall and Tram Ton Pass. Visitors can opt to rent a motorbike or scooter from Sapa town in order to visit all 3 attractions within a day.
QL4D, San Sả Hồ, Sa Pa, Lào Cai, Vietnam