Saturnia, Italy
Terme di Saturnia

First by the Etruscans and then the Romans that came after, Terme di Saturnia is once again a highly valued treasure to be sought out.

Like a brilliant aberration in the muted colours of the Tuscan fields are a series of pools glittering turquoise. Seen from above, it’s as though a bit of the sky were tapped into a bottle and spilt over the land. The continuous stream of water flows over jutting lips of travertine emerging from the gentle incline. And as winter arrives and frost begins to cling to the land, heated vapours and wisps of mist escape into the air to reveal the water’s temperature.

Terme di Sarturnia in Tuscany is nature’s very own jacuzzi. After completing a 40-year journey through the heart of Monte Amiata and the fine pores of its calcareous limestone core, the water emerges back above ground as a spring. Merging together, these streams form the travertine falls of Cascate del Mulino and Cascate del Gorello with shallow pools perfect for a dip. Don’t be put off by the water’s mildly eggy scent for this is the result of minerals and gases that the water has taken with it from the mountain’s belly. Minerals don’t seem to be the only thing these waters have taken with them but a bit of glamour as well. These charmed waters might just have the ability to lift decades off your shoulders, providing you with a moment of blissful respite.

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Tips Before You Go
A grandmother’s tale often told of the hot spring is that the Roman God Saturn sent a lightning bolt as some villagers were arguing to allow water from a special vein to spill forth and calm them. Regardless of whether this truly happened, the waters here are sure to ease you. Terme di Saturnia is located in an open field and can be accessed free of charge. That said, if you wish for a more secluded experience away from the crowds, you can consider heading to the spa resort nearby which redirects the same water into private facilities.
58014 Terme di Saturnia, Province of Grosseto, Italy