Aegina, Greece
Temple of Aphaea

Be awe-struck by the ancient beauty of the Temple of Aphaea.

Standing majestically on the hilltop of the stunning island of Aegina, lies the Temple of Aphaea. Built in 480 B.C, this precious temple is one of the ancient architectural treasures of ancient Greece. The temple was founded on a site that has been used for worship since the Mycenaean period. Take a close look at the 32 impressive columns of the temple, which stand at a height of 14m.

Admire the Doric architectural style of the Temple of Aphaea, with strong influences of the Ionic style. There are three remarkable pediment groups of the temple, depicting scenes of battle fought by Aeginetan heroes during first and second wars against Troy. If you look closely, you can see the goddess standing at the centre in the east and west groups of pediments, looking into the distance. Be amazed by the inspiring sphinx, which sits atop a large column situated near a cistern. Do not leave without setting your eyes upon the crown jewel of this temple – the elegant statue of the deity of Aphaea.

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Tips Before You Go
Visitors curious to learn more can find the Aphaia Museum on the grounds of the Temple, displaying artefacts related to the Temple.
Egina 180 10, Greece