Spitzbergen, Norway
Svalbard Museum

A national museum of cultural history in Norway.

The Svalbard Museum in Longyearbyen, Norway aims to provide visitors with a broad and deep knowledge of the history and nature of the Arctic, covering the 400 years of human presence in the archipelago ever since its discovery. It showcases a modern exhibition in a traditional format, with many exhibits, artefacts and models for visitors to have a keen idea of the rich history behind the Arctic.

One of its main exhibits, the Life in Light and Ice, presents Svalbard’s natural and historical significance in Norway and in the Arctic. It takes you on a journey through Svalbard’s history - from the first whalers back in the 17th-century to Norwegian trapping, expeditions, mineral extraction, and modern day society and tourism. In addition, flora, fauna and geological samples have been put on display at the museum to give visitors a glimpse at nature’s work in the Arctic environment.

In 2008, the museum was rightfully awarded the Council of Europe’s Museum Prize for Best European Museum. Before leaving, do drop by the gift shop to pickup a cool souvenir such as local handicraft or a postcard to remember your visit here.

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Tips Before You Go
Prepare to pay a small nominal fee to enter the museum, but it is certainly worth a visit as it gives you a good overview of the area which will certainly be enriching. Do be prepared to take off your shoes and coats before entering too and there are snacks like coffee and tea available for you to get warm.
Vei 231 - 1, Longyearbyen 9170, Svalbard and Jan Mayen