Spitzbergen, Norway
Svalbard Church

One of the churches located furthest North in the world.

Located in Longyearbyen, Norway, the Svalbard Church is a great place for some peaceful contemplation. The church prides itself on being all inclusive, welcoming people regardless of race or religion. While the current church you see today was completed in the 1950s, the previous church that rested here was sadly destroyed during World War II. Fortunately, some precious items were salvaged before the destruction of this monument, such as the silver candlesticks and baptismal foot presented to the church by King Haakon and Queen Maud, which now can be seen inside the church.

Sticking true to the Christian principle of being charitable, this church is actively involved in helping the locals in crisis due to accidents. On Tuesday evenings, look out for the fair that happens her. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this spot by visiting the Svalbard Church.

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Tips Before You Go
Please remember to take your shoes off before entering the church, as you are not allowed to wear shoes inside the church.
Socks or rubber shoes (that can be borrowed) are to be worn inside the church.
Postboks 533, Longyearbyen 9171, Svalbard and Jan Mayen