San Diego, United States of America
Sunset Cliffs

Dramatic and show-stopping, the Sunset Cliffs are exactly as their name suggests.

Imagine the colors of dusk drawn across the horizon in a single broad stroke. The skies are a mild lavender, pale pink infused at the edges. The lapping waves beneath glimmer iridescent as though moonlight has been spilt across its surface. This scene appears magical, absolutely surreal and captivating.

What we have here is 70 miles of unspoilt coastline along San Diego that is a window to viewing the craggy cliff formations. Peppered with small stretches of sandy beach and caves tucked away safely, you’ll find your camera shutter flying as each shot taken is better than the previous. But maybe it’s time to place the camera aside a little and take a breather. Rent a car and ride down Sunset Cliffs Boulevard along the full length of the cliffs as the sun slips away beneath the covers of the waves or for the more adventurous grab a board to ride the rolling, tumbling waves. Dusted with a touch of magic, the Sunset Cliffs are sure to leave you spellbound.

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Tips Before You Go
Along the eroding sandstone formations, Sunset Cliffs has a variety of sea caves interspersed but there is one in particular that should not go missed. Measuring 40ft by 40ft in width, this cave is also known quite literally as the open ceiling sea cave. Photographers rejoice as this is an intriguing subject to behold with a near perfect circle formed up above. That said, reaching it can be extremely dangerous. Even at low tide some of the routes can be misleading, so watch your footing as you make your way down.
Sunset Cliffs, San Diego, CA 92107, USA