Stavanger, Norway
Stavanger Cathedral

A stately architectural beauty hailing from the Middle Ages.

As the oldest cathedral in Norway, the still-functioning Stavanger Cathedral looks every part like a grand Romanesque church with Gothic elements. The cathedral edifice is an impressive sight with pale turquoise peaks atop muted grey bricks, inset with graceful window designs. If you are wondering about the lack of doors at the front, oddly enough, the cathedral is only accessible by the back or side doors, which are equally impressive wood pieces set within ornately carved detail. Within the cathedral, a solemn atmosphere pervades the high-ceilinged hall. Within the pulpit, the high ceiling is supported by intricate grey-green arches interspersed with gorgeous netted windows. At the end, the pulpit houses four gorgeous panels of stained glass depicting the four seasons, steeped in an unorthodox harmonious colour scheme consisting of myriads of pinks, purples, blues, and reds. If you want to find some spirituality within the splendid hall, you can join in on the weekly Sunday service to see the place come to life. Regardless of whether you’re religious or otherwise, Stavanger Cathedral is the place to marvel at the grandeur of ancient Norwegian cities.

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Tips Before You Go
Check out the opening hours online as the cathedral may be closed to the public during certain church events. Since it is still an active church, visitors are advised to wear modest clothes out of respect for the sanctity of this place.
Haakon VIIs gate 2, 4600 Stavanger, Norway