Olympia, Greece
Stadium at Olympia

Come visit the site of the original Olympic Games where athletes were crowned champions and national heroes.

Olympia’s iconic ancient stadium is the first stadium ever built, and the venue of the world’s first Olympic games. The massive stone stadium, build around a 212-metre racetrack, could fit up to 45 thousand spectators at a time, jammed against each other and straining for a look at the action in the arena below.

The ancient Olympics were a 5-day festival dedicated to Zeus, God of the Sky and ruler of the Olympian gods. It was the venue for male-centric sports competitions, with the range of activities running the gamut from foot and chariot racing to wrestling. Greek men in the prime of their lives, skin bronzed from the sun and glistening with sweat, would pit their speed, strength and agility against one another. The winner would get no money – just a laurel wreath, a generous feast and if he was lucky, a statue – because the ancient Olympics were won for honour and glory. Minor competitions would be held for young unmarried women too, allowing them to take part in the festivities. The noise, smell and heat would have been near unbearable but masked by sheer excitement and revelry, the entire event would have been the epitome of midsummer festivities.

Today, the crowds are long gone and all that remains of the stadium is the racetrack and a few stone foundations. However, all it takes is a little imagination for the great Stadium at Olympia to return, just for a little while, to the height of its former glory as it once was before the eyes of the spectators.

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Tips Before You Go
The stadium is open to the public from 8 am to 8 pm daily. You are recommended to visit either early in the morning before the crowds flood in or in the afternoon after 2 pm when the tour buses have left, for a more enjoyable experience.
Olympia 270 65, Greece