Rome, Italy
St. Peter’s Square

A Roman square with a prominent monument from Egypt, there is much to discover here.

A massive plaza set directly in front of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City, St. Peter's Square or Piazza San Pietro is a papal enclave inside Rome. Named after Saint Peter, an apostle of Jesus and the first Catholic Pope, both the square and basilica share the same name.

Visitors will surely be impressed by the colossal size of the Tuscan colonnades that frame the trapezoidal entrance to the basilica. Feast your eyes on the granite fountain in the square and marvel at the imposing obelisk from ancient Egypt. The obelisk is made from red granite and stands at a height of 25.5m, with it being prominently displayed at the heart of the square. It is supported by bronze lions and surmounted by Chigi arms and was originally erected in Heliopolis, Egypt, by an unknown pharaoh. It is indeed nothing short of amazing to find that the obelisk had found its way to Piazza San Pietro.

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Tips Before You Go
Besides the magnificent obelisk, St. Peter\'s Square is also known as the place where the Pope conducts papal audiences. However, this typically only happens during the spring, summer and autumn months. If you happen to find yourself here in the summer, make sure to bring plenty of water. The length of such papal audiences varies between 1 to 2 hours, and the summer heat might make you rather uncomfortable if you don\'t hydrate yourself.
Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican City