Lund, Sweden
Skissernas Museum

Lund University’s art museum dedicated to the sketches and the artistic process of contemporary monuments.

Boberger / Wikimedia Commons
Boberger / Wikimedia Commons

Art is often seen as a masterpiece, a finished product: but what of the designs? The sketches before the dress is made, or the blueprints before the building was constructed? A museum which is dedicated to the artistic process, the museum contains the world’s largest collection of preparatory work: be it sketches, diagrams or models, for public art, both in Sweden and worldwide.

In their permanent exhibitions, they have everything from small pencil drawing to large paintings and plaster sculptures made by household names like Matisse and Diego Rivera. Their Swedish gallery holds pieces by famous Swedish artists and sculptors, such as Isaac Grünewald and many others, past and present. They even have an archive stretching as far back as the 1930s on public art in Sweden, as the museum was founded in 1934! The idea may not have caught on elsewhere, but that’s what makes Skissernas Museum so fresh and exciting!

Aiming to educate, the museum also has student guides who give themed tours, bringing you up close and personal to the history of the place. They even have an artist residence programme, making them totally committed to the work of art that is the draft itself.

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Tips Before You Go
The museum is closed on Mondays, but holds extended opening hours on Thursdays, making it the best day to visit and spend your time exploring every room and collection. With group discounts and a free entry for students and youths below the age of 25, the museum proves to be a place for both education and entertainment.
Finngatan 2, 223 62 Lund, Sweden