Rome, Italy
Sistine Chapel (Cappella Sistina)

The Most Famous Ceiling Ever.

The Sistine Chapel is the official residence of the Pope in Vatican City and is perhaps best known for its celebrated ceiling, painted by Michelangelo. The ceiling features one of the most well-known Renaissance artworks, The Creation of Adam, which depicts God and Adam reaching out to each other with their fingers almost touching. Michelangelo was then only a famed sculptor, and had yet to be held highly for his work with the brush. However, he was tasked to paint the ceiling at the instigation of some rivals, who had hoped that he would crumble and depart Rome. However, he rose to the task to create one of the world’s most well-known masterpieces. The rest is history.

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Tips Before You Go
While you might be sorely tempted to take photos of the beautiful ceiling, the Sistine Chapel expressly forbids photography within its premises. The dress code is rather strict too, with your shoulders and knees expected to be covered. Failure to comply would probably result in you being barred from entering, and we wouldn\'t want that would we?
00120, Vatican City