Pisa, Italy
Santa Maria del Carmine, Pisa

A Roman Catholic Church in Pisa, Italy.

Lucarelli / Wikimedia Commons

The Santa Maria del Carmine is a church of Roman Catholic affiliation based in Pisa, Italy. It was originally established under the Carmelite Order between 1324 and 1328 but was only completed in 1835. By the year 1425, it was refurbished with a polyptych by Massacio but today, only one table of the altar remains in the city in the National Museum of San Matteo. Over the years, the church went through many major refurbishment projects and the current exterior was conceptualised by Alessandro Gherandesca in the 1830s. The interior of the building has an organ by Andrea Ravani made in 1613, and displays works by Andrea Boscoli and Aurelio Lomi amongst others. Do look out for the Massachio’s masterpiece depicting Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden. It is said that it is the first artwork of its kind to fully convey the shame and anguish of the duo, and is held in high regard amongst the international art community.

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Tips Before You Go
You might think that this church is nothing to write home about, especially since its exterior is rather humble and nondescript. But don’t judge a book by its cover! Go in anyway and you will be treated to the sight of marvellous frescoes and artworks that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Don’t forget to take the audio guide as well.
Corso Italia, 85, 56125 Pisa PI, Italy