Naples, Italy
Sansevero Chapel Museum (Cappella Sansevero)

Who knew that marble could actually look like paper, an absolute masterpiece, both the artworks inside and also the chapel are deserving of adoration from all.

Iconographic design aptly describes what Capella Sansevero is all about. Upon entry, you are greeted by a labyrinth motif on the floor. An ancient symbol that was intricately designed by the Prince of Sansevero himself, it represents the arduousness of the journey towards knowledge. Symbols and mysteries make up the bulk of this building, with every turn revealing new and exciting things. A design so timeless, the Baroque creativity, dynastic pride, beauty and mystery meld together harmoniously.

Raimondo di Sangro, the seventh Prince of Sansevero had went to great lengths to maintain the gorgeous layout and architecture of the chapel. He invested large sums of money and time in decking out the chapel with absolutely gorgeous masterpieces of art from respectable artists. One of the most spectacular pieces is the “Veiled Christ” is made of marble. It depicts Christ himself lying on a couch, covered up by a veil. Now that may seem mundane, but the unique element of this art piece is how the veil “drapes” around the body and face. Looking exactly like cloth, draping elegantly down one’s face, appearing almost transparent. A truly astounding masterpiece, the craftsmanship of the artist Giuseppe Sanmartino is God-like. there are plenty more from where that came from. Check out the “Anatomical Machines”, with the skeleton of a man and woman both perfectly preserved, with their veins and arteries still intact! A shocking sight, do be prepared to be taken aback initially. Paintings and sculptures by famous artists have been lovingly chosen, placed in the chapel. Reminiscent of Sangro’s legacy, the chapel continues to be a glorified building, showcasing some of the finest art pieces of the world.

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Tips Before You Go
Upon admission, do purchase an audio guide that clearly explains the wonders and beauty located in Capella Sansevero. As no photography is allowed, take in and absorb all the splendour here with your eyes, a treat they’ll never forget.
Via de Sanctis Francesco, 19/21, 80134 Napoli NA, Italy