Tasmania, Australia
Russell Falls

As you pull back the large fronds emerging from beneath the lookout, the silvery cascades of Russell Falls comes into view resembling a portal into a mystical realm.

The scenic Russell Falls is found at the very foot of Mt Field National Park, being one of the three famous water features within the park that originate from the same source. A 20-minute walk across an accessible boardwalk leads you directly to the perfectly placed lookout facing the falls head on. Surrounding the falls are soaring swamp gums, heavy with white balls of pollen during the flowering season. The shorter shrub like myrtle and dogwood fit in the gaps which remain, their branches swooping low over the thin pool of water beneath the falls. The sun dappled waters glint in the misty haze released from the impact of the water against rock, glowing with ethereal warmth that would be difficult to capture in a single frame. In fact, photographers are often seen wielding bulky tripods and clunky lenses as they attempt to catch the magic of Russell Falls just at the right time. What you see is only the lower tier of Russell Falls, which has another one cordoned off from public access. You can still scale the slightly steeper upslope track, on steps fashioned from the rocks scattered across the ground before reaching a wooden staircase. The climb will reward you with sweeping views of colonies of trees and interlocked canopies stretching across the mountainside, the waters of Russell Falls slipping past the edge to your side. The almost mathematical beauty of Russell Falls and Mt Field can’t be missed as you explore the greater wilderness of Tasmania.

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Tips Before You Go
Although most visitors drop by Russell Falls by day, the short walk and small clearing makes it a mystical retreat at night. The tiny glowing bodies of the glow worms release pinpricks of light which adorn the forest in a spectacle of floating dancing dots. They’re often hidden within the cracks and crevasses in the tree trunks. So switch of your torch lights and take an enchanting stroll to Russell Falls. Just remember to bring a portable charger and enough food and water with you. At least if you get lost, you can wait till morning to find your way out.
West Coast Range, Tasmania, Australia