Jerusalem, Israel
Rockefeller Museum

View parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other historical treasures at the Rockefeller Museum.

Formerly known as the Palestine Archaeological Museum, the Rockefeller Museum is an impressive archaeology museum, built with white limestone, located in East Jerusalem. It houses a treasure trove of artefacts that is proof of the many civilizations that played important roles in the history of the land. Take a look at the interesting stone bas-relief where the continents of Asia and Africa meet, and the fascinating gargoyle fountain in the inner courtyard, carved in 1934 by the British sculptor Eric Gill.

Gaze at the precious collection of 8th-century wooden panels from the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the priceless 12th-century marble lintels from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in this museum replete with archaeological gems. Marvel at the stunning statuary and stucco decorations from the Palace of Umayyad Hisham and let the magic of the Dead Sea Scrolls cast its spell on you.

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Tips Before You Go
Entrance to the museum is free of charge, so what are you waiting for? During winter, do remember to dress warmly, as the museum is unheated.
Sultan Suleiman St 27, Jerusalem