Prague, Czech Republic
Railway Kingdom (Království železnic)

A railway kingdom.

If you’ve always been fascinated by the chug-chug of trains, and the romantic description of trains as they rattle along the railway lines, then this is your chance to live your dreams! The Railway Kingdom, known in Polish as “Království železnic”, is an astounding miniature model of Prague, with dozens of model trains and small people going about their daily lives in the model.

When we tell you to prepare to see the biggest display of train models you’ve ever seen (and probably will ever see), we mean it. Follow the trains as they traverse the city, and gasp in delight as you point at the iconic clusters of buildings on display. Vibrant colours decorate the buildings as they do in real life, with red ochre roofs sitting alongside buildings with blue roofs and a generous smattering of trees along the roadsides. Your kids are going to squeal when they see Thomas the Engine and Chuggington here as well. This is the last call, ladies and gents and children. Hop on the train before it leaves the station!

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Tips Before You Go
The railway is open daily, including most public holidays. Do note that it will take about 2 to 4 hours to finish looking through the exhibition.
Stroupežnického 23, Anděl, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia